
By providing comprehensive and concrete support and cooperation to the Fukushima Prefecture, which wasoccurred by the earthquake and nuclear disaster, in areas such as health and medical care, welfare, and education, we are creating a bright future for theprefecture.

Business Support Department

  • Dissemination of information on support for Fukushima within the university
  • Cooperation with external organizations
  • Support activities using information and communication technologies, etc.

Recovery Support Department

  • Support for municipalities’ recovery, particularly Kawauchi Village; Tomioka Town; Okuma Town; and the FutabaTown Recovery Promotion Base, with which we have concluded comprehensive cooperation agreements
  • Support for residents’ return and recovery through the implementation of radiation risk communications
  • Cooperation and advice on the prefectural health survey project
  • Support for domestic and international disaster prevention and mitigation efforts through the holding of various seminars in the Hamadori region

Educational Support Department

  • Provide educational support for medical professionals and recovery-related personnel in the disaster area
  • Provide educational support for trainee doctors, nurses, and public health nurses
  • Provide training for staff and students
  • Support activities at the Nagasaki University Recovery Promotion Base, including the Fukushima Children’s Classroom
  • Provide educational support for domestic and international students and young researchers whose field of study is the Fukushima disaster